Sandy & Andy

Ella viste una hermosa camiseta sin mangas llamada Sandy Female Loose Shirt by Lavarock Creations, es 100% mesh y es para cuerpos mesh y clasicos, tiene un hud con 20 texturas diferentes. El viste una hermosa camiseta sin mangas llamada Andy Male Loose Shirt by Lavarock Creations, es 100% mesh, para cuerpos mesh y clasicos y tambien tiene un Hud de 20 Texturas. Ideal para este verano.

She wears beautiful shirt called Sandy Female Loose Shirt by Lavarock Creations, it is 100 % mesh, to mesh and classic bodies, and comes with a 20 Hud textures. He wears a beautiful shirt called Andy Male Loose Shirt by Lavarock Creations, is 100 % mesh, to mesh and classic bodies and also comes with a 20 Hud textures, is ideal for this summer.

Female Shirt Named: Sandy Female Loose Shirt
Male Shirt Named: Andy Male Loose Shirt
