Dress: FEMM-Red/Blue-MAITREYA- Dress
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A veces miro al cielo , otras tantas a las montañas y flores , y no puedo evitar pensar lo diminutos que somos en comparación al espacio y a la naturaleza , y que aún así hay gente que se cree el centro del universo , de ahí radica quienes no sienten pasión por la vida , ni valor por lo pequeño que llena el alma. No hay nada más bonito que enamorarnos todos los días un poco más de aquellas cosas que no tienen un precio.
Sometimes I look at the sky , to the mountains and flowers, and can not stop thinking how tiny we are compared to space and nature, and yet there are people that think that are the center of the universe , is the reason that does not have passion for life, or give so little value that fills the soul . There is nothing more beautiful than to fall in love every day a little more of those things that dont have a price.
Sometimes I look at the sky , to the mountains and flowers, and can not stop thinking how tiny we are compared to space and nature, and yet there are people that think that are the center of the universe , is the reason that does not have passion for life, or give so little value that fills the soul . There is nothing more beautiful than to fall in love every day a little more of those things that dont have a price.
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