♥ Sexy Keisha Dress by LSR MODA
♥ Tanika Boots by LSR MODA
♥ Bree Mesh Hair by Sassitude
♥ Miarra Wall Art by Plastik
Exclusive for Blush Event
♥ Luci Skin Bronze by WoW Skins
For Vista mesh head but compatible with all omega friendly mesh body parts, heads bodys hands and feet.
classic skin included, cleavage and no brows option include
Exclusive for Skin Fair 2018
LSR: Inworld
LSR: Marketplace
LSR: Flickr
LSR: Facebook
WoW Skins: Marketplace
WoW Skins: Flickr
WoW Skins: Facebook
Plastik: Inworld
Plastik: Marketplace
Plastik: Flickr
Plastik: Facebook
Plastik: Page
Sassitude: Inworld
Sassitude: Marketplace
Sassitude: Flickr
Sassitude: Facebook
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