Wow Skins | Ebody | Lagyo | Preciosa's Shapes | MJN | IKON | Kinky Event | Usagi Society

 Mi lema: Besar lento, hablar claro, bailar mucho, amar fuerte y reir siempre ♥ 

Lelutka - EVOX - Avalon head 3.1
eBODY - Reborn Ebody v1.69.6
Wow Skins::. - Amanda Skin and Shape Lelutka EVOX, BOM, Akeruka, BOM & CATWA
Preciosa's Shapes - Preci Shape - for Lelutka EVOX Avalon Head - Marketplace
[MJN] - Plumed & Matte Lipst
[MJN] - Bid Bang Lashes
IKON - Exalted Eyes - Kinky Event (Opening Jun 28th)
LaGyo - Golden Ibiza Set -Crown in 4 metals and a DELUXE version with 4+4 metal hud - Mask  in 4 metals and a DELUXE version with 4+4 metal hud - Shell Earrings  in 4 metals and a DELUXE version with 4+4 metal hud - Statement Earrings  in 4 metals and a DELUXE version with 4+4 metal hud (Crown, Earrings) - Kustom9
Usagi Society - Kora Hair

NOTE: All products or designs that participate in an event, at the end of the event return to their respective main stores.

