Amitie | Corazon | Ebody | No match | Spirit | Bondi

 A veces tienes que jugar el papel de idiota, para engañar al idiota que piensa que te esta engañando! 

eBODY - Reborn Ebody v1.69.6
No.match_ No Concern Hair - Alpha Event
BONDI - Natsuo Glasses
.:CORAZON:. - Smile Tattoo - Mancave
Spirit - Baba Outfit (Short, Top & Shoes)
Amitie - The Coffee Shop - Original Mesh - Plot 12x10 M - 82L.I- Stool & Chair animated - Materials Enable - C-M-NT - Uber
Amitie - Coffee Girl - Female Bento Poses Pack - Pack Included 6 Static Poses with mirrors + Hold Pose extra - Coffee to go in 2 colors incl. as prop - Pose Stand & Pose Hud - c/m/nt - Uber

NOTE: All products or designs that participate in an event, at the end of the event return to their respective main stores.

